“Preventing Illness, Optimizing Health, Naturally…”
Welcome to the Natural Family Health Clinic Ltd.
Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. Dr. Tamara Browne, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in British Columbia, Canada and follows the principles of Naturopathic Medicine to ensure the highest quality practices are provided to her patients. She works tirelessly to offer her patients a broader choice in medicine and to make sure they receive the best care possible.
After 25 years in practice in the beautiful South Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Dr. Browne has developed expertise in Intravenous Nutrition Therapy, Pain and Regenerative Injection Therapy, Anti-Aging and Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, Integrative Cancer Therapy, Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment, Ozone Therapy, Chelation, Detoxification, and finding the cause with the use of advanced lab testing. She is board certified to practice IV Therapy and IV Chelation, Advanced Injection Therapies, Ozone and Oxidative Therapies, and Prescriptive Authority.
After hundreds of hours of advanced education and following the teachings of leading experts in her field, Dr. Browne had developed expertise in:
- Women’s Health and Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
- Myers Cocktail: The Health Benefits of Nutritional IV Therapy
- Injectable Regenerative Pain Management
- Vitamin C Therapy: An Invaluable, Safe, Effective Therapy
- Chelation: Circulatory Support and Heavy Metal Detoxification
- Cancer: Prevention and Patient Care – A Naturopathic Approach Highlighting Intravenous Therapies
- Prevention of Disease with Simple Lifestyle Measures
- Ozone Therapy
- Nutritional and Herbal Medicine
- Wellness care
- Intravenous Glutathione
- Intravenous Alpha Lipoic-Acid
Naturopathic Physicians work closely with patients, spending time to hear their complete story, completing full physicals, and testing pertinent parameters with advanced laboratory services. We treat each individual as the unique person they are, targeting therapies individually as required. Symptoms are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body and as signs that an imbalance has occurred. An emphasis is placed on treating the whole person, prevention, first doing no harm, teaching self-care and awareness, and treating the cause.
Our Intake Form is available here. Thank you for printing it, filling it out, and bringing it with you on your first visit.

Anti-Aging Medicine
A big focus of this clinic is to support healthy aging with various strategies such as Bio-identical Hormone therapy, anti-aging diet and nutraceutical advice, Chelation, and joint regeneration and healing therapies.
We believe that aging does not equate with a decline in health, and with adequate support, quality of life can be maintained throughout our lives.

Chronic Disease Management
Chronic disease management is another big area of medicine that we excel in. From Cardiovascular disease to Cancer, Lyme disease, Arthritis, and other degenerative conditions, Naturopathic Medicine is on the leading edge in its ability to help prevent, reverse, and support all forms of chronic disease.
When it comes to chronic disease management, we use an integrative approach that combines with conventional medicine allowing patients to benefit from all forms of medicine.

Research shows us that the key to a long and healthy life is to practice prevention through particular key lifestyle habits.
Healthy habits contribute greatly to healthy aging. Dr. Browne follows the science and brings you the latest information about the best disease prevention habits to lower your risk of illness. And now with genetic and other advanced lab testing available, individualized protocols designed specifically for you can help you to live your best life possible.